Newcomer brand questionnaire / KIDILL
Hiroaki Sueyasu
Men’s / Clothing, Shoes, Hats and Accessories
Brand information / About the designer
―What inspired you to become a fashion designer? Describe developments leading up to the brand launch.
While living in London for five years, I experienced a personal change through the city of London, my friends, and the creative things going on around me. I believe I found the significance of my own existence from beginning to make clothing in London.
―What is the brand’s concept? What do you want to communicate through fashion designing? What
Clothing design to bring out the essence of the wearer.
To think of the significance of all steps in my own way.
―What is your source of inspiration in creating fashion? What is your process of developing a design concept?
Reading, daily life, conversation, the environment, humans.
―Who are your current stockists (areas, retail formats, etc.)? Describe the typical followers of your brand.
As this will be my first announcement, there are no sales points yet.
About 2014-15 A/W collection
―Why have you chosen Tokyo (or MBFWT) as the venue for presenting your collection?
As this will be my first announcement, I joined MBFWT 2014-15 A/W in order to make my brand known by many more people.
―What is the concept / image for your brand’s 2014-15 A/W season?
―What does Tokyo represent for you?