INTERVIEW 10/09/2014





Owner Takuya Murayama

[introduce Designer]
Koji Udo
I have full confidence in Mr. Murayama when it comes to denim, having used their fabrics since the launch of FACTOTUM. Each season,they provide us with fresh suggestions.


FACTOTUM’s jeans as the brand identity

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Murayama used to handle production management at an apparel manufacturer. A fter realizing his true passion in direct production involvement, he decided to become a professional in textile production and returned to his home town, Kojima, to build up experiences on the factory floor.

He set up his own business in 2010. His association with FACTOTUM’s designer Udo has continued since the days he worked for the apparel company.

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Jeans production requires advanced expertise. In many cases, a sewing plant becomes the point of contact, coordinating all stages from fabric procurement to processing and final finishes. Smooth communication with each brand is crucial in producing the ideal products as intended.

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When Udo launched a brand focusing on denim as the brand identit y in 2004, he sought the assistance of Murayama, who he says understood his taste perfectly.

For ten years since then, Murayama has always handled the production of jeans for FACTOTUM.

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Murayama describes Udo as “someone who values connection with people.” He still remembers how Udo said,in their first encounter over ten years ago, that he would rather have direct communication with producers and see each of the skilled factory workers’ face in creating products, instead of handing the whole job over to someone else.


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Staying true to his word, Udo still visits the factory in Kojima four to five times a year to this day.Udo is on friendly terms with everyone who works at the WHOVAL factory that processes FACTOTUM jeans.


The collaboration between AGITPUNKT and FACTOTUM includes refining the brand’s regular line of jeans and taking on the creation of new products each season. The existing regular products provide a stable supply of work, and seasonal development of fabrics and processing techniques are refining the skills of production workers.
Backed by unsurpassed skills and trust, FACTOTUM is evolving its creations.

Interview&Text:Shinya Miyaura (Secori Gallery)
Photography:Yohey Goto

Kojima in Kurashiki City is where jeans began in Japan. Against the backdrop of cotton production, the community evolved as a production area, handling all processes from yarn spinning to sewing. As Kojima’s craftsmanship inspired many predecessors, AGITPUNKT and FACTOTUM will create a new story.

Kurashiki City, Okayama Prefecture / Established in 2010 Scope of business: Manufacturing primarily men’s jeans No. of employees: 7 persons