FEB. 20, 2019

Newcomer brand questionnaire | SHINYAKOZUKA

Shinya Kozuka




Shinya Kozuka


Men’s / Ready To Wear

Brand information / About the designer

―What inspired you to become a fashion designer? Describe developments leading up to the brand launch.

Originally, I wanted to be a musician or a comedian but my friend’s one word leads me to the fashion world.

―What is the brand’s concept? What do you want to communicate through fashion designing? What are the images of men and women you want to project?

I make a blanc space with my creation for considering. I want to make people who see our garment grasp it freely.
My feeling always changes what I want to communicate through fashion. All in all, I would like to say ‘There is nothing.’.

―What is your source of inspiration in creating fashion? What is your process of developing a design concept?

Life. I find paradoxes through creating something, then I fall into them and accept them.
Finally, I finish creating with a good grace. This is my process.

―Who are your current stockists (areas, retail formats, etc.)? Describe the typical followers of your brand.

People who want to add our garments to their own wardrobe.

―Which brands, designers, styles and cultures have had the most impact on your fashion designing, and why?

A lot of attitudes, thoughts, statements apart from fashion designers.
Such as comedians, musicians, photographers in the world.

About 2019 A/W collection

―Why have you chosen Tokyo(Amazon Fashion Week TOKYO) as the venue for presenting your collection?

Because, many factors overlapped to take a step forward.
I’d like to make this opportunity the place to thank people who keep supporting us.

―What is the concept / image for your brand’s 2019 A/W season?


―What is your vision for your show / installation?



―What are your brand’s future outlook and goal?

To be universal.


―What does Tokyo represent for you?

It’s difficult to describe in words.

―Which parts / sites of Tokyo do you like most? Why?

Big shopping arcade as Musashi Koyama. Because it’s like to watch human good and evil in miniature.

―What are your favorite / recommended shops (of any genres, e.g. fashion stores, homeware stores, food services), facilities and sites?

I love to walk. So wherever I can walk. Especially, residential area.

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